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Online Sessions



I’m Dr. Leslie Alexander – Expert Psychologist

An Expert Psychologist plays a vital role in the mental health and well-being of individuals, contributing valuable insights, interventions, and support to help people navigate life's challenges and achieve psychological health.

Exhibits cultural competence and sensitivity, recognizing and respecting the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of clients.

  • Demonstrates a high level of clinical expertise in assessing, diagnosing, and treating various mental health conditions and emotional disorders.
  • Has undergone extensive training, including supervised clinical experience and possibly research.

Personal & Individual Therapy Services

A session focused on addressing depression typically involves a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or therapist.


Happy clients


Success story

Persönliche & Individuelle Beratung

Nutze individualisierte Einzelberatung, um deine persönlichen Herausforderungen zu meistern. Ich biete individuelle Betreuung und Strategien, die genau auf deine Bedürfnisse und Ziele abgestimmt sind.


Erreicht als Team eine synergetische Zusammenarbeit. Mein Angebot konzentriert sich besonders auf die psychologische Sicherheit im Team.

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Psychology Therapy

Magical & Inspirational lessons For People Seeking Help

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Unzufriedenheit mit dem Status-Quo:

Viele Klient:innen möchten etwas ändern, wissen aber nicht genau was und wie.

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Choking Under Pressure:

Unter Druck die Nerven verlieren: Einige Klient:innen sind aufgrund von Stress oder Druck nicht in der Lage, ihre gewohnte Leistung abzurufen.

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Umgang mit Herausforderungen / Krisen

Einige Klient:innen merken, dass sie in herausfordernden Zeiten eher verzweifeln als mit der Situation zu wachsen.

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4.9 Average Rating
Happy Woman
Untitled really understood the paired-back aesthetic that we were looking for. We couldn’t be happier with our new offices. Untitled really understood the paired-back aesthetic that we were looking for.
Candice Wu
Happy Man
Untitled really understood the paired-back aesthetic that we were looking for. We couldn’t be happier with our new offices. Untitled really understood the paired-back aesthetic that we were looking for.
Max Child
Happy Woman
Untitled really understood the paired-back aesthetic that we were looking for. We couldn’t be happier with our new offices. Untitled really understood the paired-back aesthetic that we were looking for.
Nensi King

Why Choose Our Center?

Psychologist centers play a crucial role in providing accessible mental health services to individuals in need. They serve as valuable resources for those seeking support, guidance.

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